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"Flowers for Frida"

Jewelry Shop

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"Flowers for Frida"

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"Flowers for Frida"


This collection of beeswax flower crowns entitled, “Flowers for Frida” is inspired by the beloved artist, activist and forever beautiful, Frida Kahlo. Each crown is handmade and one of a kind. Comprised of fabric flowers and 100% pure beeswax from various local & organic beekeepers.  The flowers are hand-sewn & layered with beeswax over a series of days. Being handmade with organic materials, ensures each piece to be truly one of a kind and made with exquisite care. Your crown can be customizable in size, color & if available~floral preference (Custom adjustments may affect pricing). Make this piece part of a special day, performance, ritual, ceremony or just wear your crown around the house! You’re guaranteed to radiate enchanting magic while breathing in the delicate scent of beeswax.

Will your crown withstand a blazing hot (90+degree) sunshiny day?

The answer is a confidant, yes!

Beeswax has a high melting point about (150 degrees F) Which makes this delicate beauty quite strong & resilient to weather. Afterall, beeswax and honey were discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb! Not to mention the infathomable honeybees spend their lives within the hive. It takes 6 to 8 pounds of honey ingested by the hive to produce one pound of beeswax. Along with the pollination of over 2 million flowers to produce 1 single pound of honey. Inside the hive the temperature remains at 92-93 degrees Fahrenheit at all time, no matter the temperature outside. We truly honor the honeybee, nature and using treatment-free & sustainable beekeeping practices to ensure your crown is made with integrity and honor.

Just like YOU. A strong, delicate, infathomable beauty.

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Available in store and online at: Follow The Honey in Cambridge, MA.